Thursday, January 8, 2009

Eyes of love (love at first sight???)

Some say its impossible,fairy tale bullshit,never in a million years.But is it really that unbelievable? I mean sure to be in love wit someone you must know them as a person.You could though love some ones image,see love at first sight is lust and lust is somethin that everyone knows.From when a man sees a woman wit her soft beautiful skin from vanilla to mocah to chocolate to her sexy curves to her sassy words, her lovely hair and pretty smile to her seductive eyes...also from when a woman sees a man his masculine abs chest biceps ,back, legs to his broad shoulders handsome face.We know we must know this person who are they? Where there from? What they like and dislike? What's there goals and dreams, what makes them tick? See love at first sight. Is the first step to fallin,love at first sight isn't impossible see its only a matter if this love is meant to be....your eyes fall in love everyday that doesn't mean your heart does and that's the trick is your heart goin to fall too?

1 comment:

  1. fuck will get you killed!

    but something that is one knows when it is going to happen..
    it can be used for good things and it can turn out to be a bad thing..

    me falling in love again..chances are very possible, but im in no takes too much time to actually get to know a person and their ways..and to say you love that person based off none those character is a really dont love that person
    i dont even say i love you to anyone..until im actually in love..and once im in love..that means i completely know the person.and i can see my self building a future with them you know..

    but good thing i only been in love once..sad to didnt much for me knowing that person!..ha

    good shit bestie!
